Following on from the theme of our Spring Newsletter the Green Ray of Nature Growth, in this newsletter we look at the Seventh Ray- The Amethyst Ray of Perfume as plants, flowers and perfume are synonymous. This ray is under the rulership of Lord Arhura, better known as King Arthur, who was chosen to be the “Adept of Perfume”, owing to his “gentle nature and extreme beauty of character” in Yanini also known as Lemuria, according to the channellings of The Winds of Truth.

Natural scented oils and incense have been and are used in religious and spiritual ceremonies from the temples of ancient Egypt to churches, mosques and other places of worship to this day as they uplift the spirit above the mundane world. Most are decorated with flowers as is The Sanctuary: “Keep this precious temple - this little Sanctuary - a place of blossoms. Let the sweet flavoured incenses blend with the incense of the blossoms”.

The channellings state that: “Perfume is necessary to all life, both human and spirit. Few humans can live without perfume, those who profess to dislike it are blind to beauty…… the fragrance of a lily, the faint perfume of a forget-me-not, the perfume of a rose.”

The channellings tell us to “only select perfume made from pure flower essences”. This advice is very relevant to us as there are many fake and synthetic perfumes, some containing chemicals which may be toxic thus adding to the pollution of the atmosphere and ourselves. The channellings also tell us that: “ A sweet scent is of more value to you in many ways than you are aware of”. One way to introduce scent into our lives is to use aromatherapy oils as they can uplift our spirits and some may help with mental and physical illness. Before using do consult a reliable book or a reputable aromatherapist as some oils may not be suitable if suffering from certain medical conditions, are taking certain medications, are pregnant or drinking alcohol. Ensure that oils are purchased from a reliable source so are pure. Most need diluting either a few drops in a bath or in a pure carrier oil e.g. almond oil for massage. An exception is Lavender oil which can be used neat to soothe the itching from insect bites. A few drops can be sprinkled on a tissue and inhaled to soothe and calm the body, mind or spirit or onto a pillow or bed linen to help insomnia.

Dried Lavender can be used to fill Lavender bags and hung in the wardrobe or put in drawers and linen cupboard to gently scent clothes and repel moths. Lavender has anti-inflammatory properties so can be used with a pure carrier oil to massage painful joints.

Natural perfumes are very evocative and can bring back memories. The mystic Mary Webb wrote: “The whole earth is a thurible heaped with incense” and that “in a wood in May, the scent of bluebells enfolds us in waves of delight” and of how “If we washed our souls in these healing perfumes as we wash our hands, our lives would be more wholesome” We can walk in Nature if we are able to do so, we can have fresh flowers in our living space. Flowers comfort hence they are given to people who are ill or upset. We can help to conserve Nature by writing a protest letter if development threatens to destroy green spaces or to destroy a wood.

The channellings tell us of some of the attributes of flowers - primroses- “Modesty lies hidden in tiny flowers- primroses, violets and the like.” The poet William Wordsworth was aware of this when he wrote the following lines:

“A violet by a mossy stone half hidden from the eye” as Nature has inspired and continues to inspire artists and poets.

Gardening is a way to get in touch with flowers. The channellings state that :” It behoves all of you to keep your gardens sweet, to deck your homes with flowers” for as Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote in “The Secret Garden” “There is magic in the garden”. If we do not have a garden we can grow a few plants in pots and window bozes and visit parks.

Avalon and King Arthur are linked in legend and in the “Testament of Love”, the channellings tell of the link with Avalon and perfume: “to me Avalon has a perfume of its own and the perfume of Avalon is being wafted from its heart”. The Antiquities of Glastonbury state that St. Patrick founded a small oratory or temple in Glastonbury “filled with sweet odour such as we believe is to be found in the pleasant fields of Paradise”. Dion Fortune wrote in “Avalon of The Heart” that:

“The spirit of the Abbey lives on, hidden below the surface of the little town and sometimes breaks through to the surface heralded by clouds of drifting incense”. Perhaps at certain significant times or to those who have a resonance with this vibration.

There is a saying that a star in heaven is a crystal within the earth and a flower upon the earth. The seventh Ray of Perfume is described as: “The most beautiful and gentle of the cosmic rays” and that its radiations are “ star shaped, sprinkled on its appointed place like glittering dust which rises like a cloud of incense upon its contact with solid matter”, expressed in the following verse from the poem “Daises” by Andrew Young.

“The stars are everywhere tonight, above, beneath me and around; they fill the sky with powdery light and glimmer from the night-strewn

ground; For where the folded daisies are in every one I see a star”.

In these busy, challenging, chaotic times, let scented flowers and natural oils uplift the spirit either at leisure or in meditation to lift our minds and spirits to the stars of the heaven world.

All quotes from “The Great Writings of The Truths of God” unless otherwise stated.

Jane Marshall - July 2019

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Geraldine Richards